Dhapa is located at the Eastern Metropolitan Bypass, on the eastern side of Kolkata. It is a significant part of our city of Joy where the solid wastes are dumped on a regular basis. Each day near about 4,000 tonnes of waste are dumped here. It is a common sight to see birds of prey hovering over the towering dump yard besides the stray cows, dogs, pigs and rats looking for scraps from the expanse of smoking filth. A considerable number of men, women and children are also making their livelihood depend on such disposed elements. In the slums at the base of the mountains of rubbish, hundreds of people make a living as rag pickers or scrap dealers, by sorting the waste and recycling.

Through this project I want to exhibit the harsh living of these Scavengers; who play a pivotal role in the urban ecosystem of Kolkata.

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120/2B, Masjid Bari Street, Kolkata – 700006, West Bengal, India.

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